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Diemer, K., Humphreys, C., Fogden, L., Gallant, D., Spiteri-Staines, A., Bornemisza, A., & Vercoe, E. (2020). Caring Dads Program: Helping fathers value their children (Research report, 02/2020). Melbourne, VIC.

Abstract: In Australia, there are few services helping men who have used violence that specifically focus on improving parenting practices. Caring Dads is Australia’s first evidence-based behaviour-change program helping fathers who have used violence to improve their relationship with their children. In an evaluation of the trial conducted by the ...

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety. (2020). Safe & Together Addressing ComplexitY for Children (STACY for Children): Key findings and future directions (Research to policy and practice, 22/2020). Sydney: ANROWS.

Abstract: The “STACY for Children” project was conducted across three research sites in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria by a collaborative, multi-disciplinary team of researchers. The project involved two studies that investigated whether there was emerging evidence that the Safe & Together™ Model (S&T Model), where it is implemented ...

Humphreys, C., Kertesz, M., Parolini, A., Isobe, J., Heward-Belle, S., Tsantefski, M., … Healey, L. (2020). Safe & Together Addressing ComplexitY for Children (STACY for Children) (Research report, 22/20). Sydney: ANROWS.

Abstract: The STACY for Children project (2019–20) involved two studies that investigated whether there was emerging evidence that the Safe & Together™ Model, where it is implemented holistically, is leading to better outcomes for children and families living with domestic and family violence (DFV) and parental issues of alcohol and ...

Warren, A., Martin, R., Chung, D. (2020) Women who use force: Final Report. Volume 3 – National Workforce Survey. Melbourne: University of Melbourne

Abstract: This is the final report (3 volumes) of a research program that has developed the Australian knowledge base about women who use force in a family context, and appropriate service responses. The research was funded by the Department of Social Services. Volume 3 reports on a national workforce survey ...

Warren, A., Martin, R., Chung, D. (2020) Women who use force: Final Report. Volume 2 – International Literature Review. Melbourne: University of Melbourne

Abstract: This is the final report (3 volumes) of a research program that has developed the Australian knowledge base about women who use force in a family context, and appropriate service responses. The research was funded by the Department of Social Services. Volume 2 reviews the international literature about women ...

Kertesz, M., Humphreys, C., Ovenden, G., Spiteri-Staines, A. (2020) Women who use force: Final Report. Volume 1 – Executive Summary, Positive Shift Program, Evaluation of Positive Shift, and Practice Framework. Melbourne: University of Melbourne

Abstract: This is the final report (3 volumes) of a research program that has developed the Australian knowledge base about women who use force in a family context, and appropriate service responses. The research was funded by the Department of Social Services. Volume 1 contains a practice framework for intervening ...

Kertesz, M. Ramamurthy, A., Fogden, L., & Humphreys, C. (2019). Children and Mothers in Mind Independent Evaluation 2018-19 Participant and Facilitator Feedback: Final Report. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.

The final evaluation report for Children and Mothers in Mind (CMIM), a group program for mothers and pre-school children who have experienced family violence in the past, and focuses on interview-based findings about the participants’ experiences of the program. Download a PDF of the reportDownload Researchers: Kertesz, M. Ramamurthy, A., ...

Independent Evaluation of +SHIFT at Tarrengower Prison (2019)

In the context of a dominant pattern of male violence perpetrated against women, there are some women who use force in their intimate relationships, and who are identified as perpetrators of violence. This report evaluates the Positive Shift program, as delivered within Tarrengower Prison for women. Positive Shift is is ...

Shifting practice in domestic violence: child protection workers partnering with mothers (2019)

This chapter will draw on recent research (a national case reading of child protection files in Australia) to highlight the gaps in understanding the impacts of DV on parenting skills, and the gaps in recognising and documenting mothers’ strengths and efforts to keep their children safe. Sometimes this has involved ...

Humphreys, C., Diemer, K., Bornemisza, A., Spiteri‐Staines, A., Kaspiew, R., & Horsfall, B. (2019). More present than absent: Men who use domestic violence and their fathering. Child & Family Social Work.

Abstract: An earlier article referred to the “absent presence” of the perpetrator in the lives of children and their mothers who have lived with domestic violence. It identified the ways in which the shadow of the perpetrator continued and was evidenced in the “symptoms of abuse” that both women and ...

Smith, J., & Humphreys, C. (2019). Child protection and fathering where there is domestic violence: Contradictions and consequences. Child & Family Social Work, 24(1), 156-163.

Abstract: Children live in different contexts of protection and vulnerability when exposed to domestic violence. The negative impacts for many children are consistent and widely acknowledged. However, the implication that this requires men who use violence to address their fathering has been slower to emerge. This article draws from 69 ...

Kertesz, M., Humphreys, C., Larance, L. Y., Vicary, D., Spiteri-Staines, A., & Ovenden, G. (2019). Working with women who use force: a feasibility study protocol of the Positive (+) SHIFT group work programme in Australia. BMJ Open, 9(5), e027496.

Abstract: Introduction This study assesses the feasibility of the Positive Shift (+SHIFT) programme in the context of legal responses and social welfare provision in the state of Victoria, Australia. The +SHIFT programme, adapted from the Vista curriculum, is a group work and case management programme for women who use force. Building ...

Hooker, L., Toone, E., Raykar, V., Humphreys, C., Morris, A., Westrupp, E., & Taft, A. (2019). Reconnecting mothers and children after violence (RECOVER): a feasibility study protocol of child–parent psychotherapy in Australia. BMJ Open, 9(5), e023653.

Abstract: Introduction Intimate partner violence detrimentally affects the social and emotional well-being of children and mothers. These two populations are impacted both individually and within the context of their relationship with one another. Child mental health, maternal mental health and the mother–child relationship may be impaired as a consequence. Early ...

Spiteri‐Staines, A., Diemer, K., Absler, & D., Humphreys, C., (2019) Keeping Safe Together: Independent evaluation, Summary of Findings and Recommendations. Melbourne, University of Melbourne.

Summary of Findings and Recommendations of the Keeping Safe Together independent pilot program evaluation. The document describes key findings for children and young people, women and men. Download a PDF of the reportDownload Researchers: Spiteri‐Staines, A., Diemer, K., Absler, D., & Humphreys, C. Year: 2019 ...

McLindon, E., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2018). “It happens to clinicians too”: an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals. BMC women’s health, 18(1), 113.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to measure the prevalence of intimate partner and family violence amongst a population of Australian female nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. Methods: We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional survey in a large Australian tertiary maternity hospital with 471 participating female health professionals (45.0% ...

Andrews, S., Gallant, D., Humphreys, C., Ellis, D., Bamblett, A., Briggs, R., & Harrison, W. (2018). Holistic programme developments and responses to Aboriginal men who use violence against women. International Social Work.

Abstract: Family violence significantly impacts upon Aboriginal women and children globally. Despite this fact, there is a scarcity of published knowledge regarding the nature and efficacy of Aboriginal programmes for men who use violence against women. This article reports the findings from interviews with 15 facilitators of Australian Aboriginal men’s ...

Fogden, L., Kertesz, M. and Humphreys, C. (2018). Mothers in Mind: Independent Evaluation 2016-17. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.

Abstract: The Children’s Protection Society (CPS) provides support services to vulnerable families and children living in the North East Melbourne metropolitan area. In 2016, CPS started to run Mothers in Mind, a group program for mothers and young children who have experienced family violence and separated from the perpetrator. This ...

Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2018). Engaging Men as Fathers: How Gender Influences Men’s Involvement in Australian Family Health Services. Journal of Family Issues, 39(16), 3956–3985.

Title: Engaging Men as Fathers: How gender influences men’s involvement in Australian Family Health Services Despite claims of “new” and “involved” fathers, research shows men’s actual fathering practices remain relatively unchanged. Increasing attention is being paid to the influence of child and family services on father engagement with calls from ...

Humphreys, C., Healey, L., Kirkwood, D. & Nicholson, D. (2018). ‘Children Living with Domestic Violence: A Differential Response through Multi-agency Collaboration’, Australian Social Work

Abstract: Developing appropriate pathways to assist children living with domestic and family violence (DFV) is challenging, particularly given the rise in police notifications to Child Protection (CP) relating to exposure to domestic violence. In this article, the argument is put that strong collaboration between organisations can provide a differential response ...

Heward-Belle, S., Humphreys, C., Laing, L. & Toivonen, C. (2018). Intervening with children living with domestic violence: Is the system safe? Australian Social Work, 71, 135-147.

Abstract:This article examines cross-sector relationships that facilitated or impeded effective responses to women and children experiencing domestic violence. It reports on the findings of a study of 54 Australian professionals working in either statutory child protection, family law, or domestic violence and community services. Qualitative data gathered from focus groups ...

Healey, L., Connolly, M., & Humphreys, C. (2018). A collaborative practice framework for child protection and specialist domestic and family violence services: bridging the research and practice divide. Australian Social Work, 71(2), 228-237.

Abstract: Practice frameworks bridge the divide between research and practice. This paper shows how the translation of research into policy and practice led to the development of a practice framework to foster greater collaboration between child protection (CP) and specialist domestic and family violence (DFV) services. The framework supports safety ...

Macvean, M. L., Humphreys, C., & Healey, L. (2018). Facilitating the collaborative interface between child protection and specialist domestic violence services: a scoping review. Australian Social Work, 71(2), 148-161.

Abstract: Service provision in domestic and family violence involves complex responses from multiple systems. Early evidence involving other sectors suggests interagency working may benefit service systems and providers. This points to possible benefits for service users. A scoping review of models of interagency working between child protection and either domestic ...

Lamb, K., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2018). “Your behaviour has consequences”: Children and young people’s perspectives on reparation with their fathers after domestic violence. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 164-169.

Abstract: This paper presents findings from qualitative research undertaken in Australia with children and young people who have experienced domestic violence aged 9 to 19 years. The aim was to explore children and young people's perspectives on fathering in the context of domestic violence as well as the key messages they ...

Humphreys, C., Healey, L., & Mandel, D. (2018). Case reading as a practice and training intervention in domestic violence and child protection. Australian Social Work, 71(3), 277-291.

Abstract: This article explores the role of a case-reading tool, developed by the Safe and Together Institute, deployed across five Australian states, and which engaged workers from child protection (CP) and specialist domestic and family violence (DFV) services. It aimed to assess the extent to which DFV is identified in ...

McLindon, E., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2018). “It happens to clinicians too”: an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 113.

Abstract: Background The purpose of this study was to measure the prevalence of intimate partner and family violence amongst a population of Australian female nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. Methods We conducted a descriptive, cross-sectional survey in a large Australian tertiary maternity hospital with 471 participating female health professionals ...

Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S., & Mandel, D. (2018). Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence (Research report, 04/2018). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.

Abstract: This project had its genesis in the need to develop effective and safe ways of working with fathers who use violence in order to better support women and children living with domestic and family violence (DFV). The DFV system, in particular, specialist women’s DFV services, developed from interventions focused ...

Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S., Chung, D., & Mandel, D. (2018). Invisible Practices: Working with fathers who use violence. Practice guide. Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.

Abstract: The Invisible Practices project looked at what skills and organisational supports are necessary to allow CP practitioners, specialist DFV practitioners, justice services and family services practitioners to work well with fathers who use violence. Invisible Practices was an action research project that involved a whole-of-family approach called the Safe ...

Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S., Chung, D., & Mandel, D. (2018). Invisible Practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence: Key findings and future directions (Research to policy and practice, 04/2018). Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.

Abstract: The review of the literature (Humphreys & Campo, 2017, p.5) found that there was “no single definitive approach to intervention” in working with fathers who remain in the home or have significant contact with their children. Humphreys and Campo (2017, p.2), did, however, identify the following key messages: • ...

Forsdike, K., Humphreys, C., Diemer, K., Ross, S., Gyorki, L., Maher, H., … & Hegarty, K. (2017). An Australian hospital’s training program and referral pathway within a multi‐disciplinary health–justice partnership addressing family violence. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 42(3), 284-290.

Abstract: Objective: An innovative health–justice partnership was established to deliver legal assistance to women experiencing family violence who attended an Australian hospital. This paper reports on a multifaceted response to build capacity and willingness of health professionals to identify signs of family violence and engage with referral pathways to on‐site ...

Diemer, K., Humphreys, C., & Crinall, K. (2017). Safe at home? Housing decisions for women leaving family violence. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52(1), 32-47.

Abstract:Internationally, domestic violence policy has shifted towards supporting women to stay at home with the perpetrator of violence excluded. However, the practical realities indicate that this is a complex arena in which the rhetoric of rights for “women and children to stay in their own home” needs to be underpinned ...