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Diemer, K., Ross, S., Humphreys, C., & L. Healey (2017). A ‘double edged sword’: discretion and compulsion in policing domestic violence. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 18(4), 339-351.

Abstract:Policing domestic violence is a complex area in which there are divergent views about the extent to which front line police action should be mandated by legislation and guidance. This study set in Victoria, Australia raised questions about the balance between discretion and compulsion in policing domestic violence through researching ...

Pfitzner, N., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2017). Research Review: Engaging men: a multi‐level model to support father engagement. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 537-547.

Abstract: While there is a growing body of work on using fatherhood as an opportunity to engage men in strategies to prevent child maltreatment and further acts of domestic violence, there is limited research on engaging fathers in strategies to prevent domestic violence from occurring. To fill this gap in ...

Gallant, D., Andrews, S., Humphreys, C., Diemer, K., Ellis, D., Burton, J., & McIvor, R. (2017). Aboriginal men’s programs tackling family violence: A scoping review. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 20(2), 48-68.

Abstract: Academic and community research identifies that Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at a greater risk of being exposed to family violence than non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. While much of the literature has had a clear focus on the protection of Aboriginal women and children, there ...

Campo, M., & Humphreys, C. (2017). Fathers who use violence Options for safe practice where there is ongoing contact with children.

Abstract: Domestic and family violence (DFV) remains a chronic and destructive aspect of family life in Australia (Cox, 2015). Its pervasive reach into the lives of women and children creates fear, undermines health and wellbeing, is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children, and costs the community an ...

Thiara, R. K., & Humphreys, C. (2017). Absent presence: the ongoing impact of men’s violence on the mother–child relationship. Child & Family Social Work, 22(1), 137-145.

Abstract:This paper draws from interviews with 45 mothers and 52 children who participated in an action research project to develop activities to support women and children in the aftermath of domestic violence. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the data and explore the question: In what ways does the ...

Stanley, N., & Humphreys, C. (2017). Identifying the key components of a ‘whole family’ intervention for families experiencing domestic violence and abuse. Journal of Gender-based Violence, 1(1), 99-115.

Abstract: 'Whole family' interventions for families living with domestic violence and abuse (DVA) are emerging and some international practice examples are available. This study reports a process evaluation of a pilot delivered in Northern England that aimed to work with all members of families experiencing DVA. The evaluation involved analysis ...

McKibbin, G., Humphreys, C., & Hamilton, B. (2017). “Talking about child sexual abuse would have helped me”: Young people who sexually abused reflect on preventing harmful sexual behavior. Child Abuse & Neglect, 70, 210-221.

Abstract: Harmful sexual behavior carried out by children and young people accounts for about half of all child sexual abuse perpetration. The aim of this study was to draw on the insights of young people who had been sexually abusive to enhance the current prevention agenda. The study involved semi-structured ...

Humphreys, C. & Healey, L. (2017). PAThways and Research Into Collaborative Inter-Agency practice: Collaborative work across the child protection and specialist domestic and family violence interface – The PATRICIA Program, Research Report. ANROWS Horizons, issue 3/2017. Sydney: ANROWS.

Abstract: This Horizons report sets out the findings of the PAThways and Research In Collaborative Inter-Agency practice (the PATRICIA project). It is one of five publications by ANROWS related to the project. The PATRICIA project focused on the collaborative relationship between specialist community based domestic and family violence (DFV) support ...

Connolly, M., Healey, L. & Humphreys, C. (2017). The Collaborative Practice Framework for Child Protection and Specialist Domestic and Family Violence Services – the PATRICIA Project: Key findings and future directions. ANROWS Compass Research to policy and practice, issue 3/2017. Sydney: ANROWS.

Abstract: PAThways and Research In Collaborative Inter-Agency practice(the PATRICIA Project) is an action research project focusedon the collaborative relationship between specialist community baseddomestic and family violence (DFV) support services for women and their children, and statutory child protection (CP) organisations. The PATRICIA Project drew together a diverse range of participants ...

Tarzia, L., Humphreys, C., & Hegarty, K. (2017). Translating research about domestic and family violence into practice in Australia: possibilities and prospects. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 13(4), 709-722.

Abstract: The volume of research being conducted into domestic and family violence is increasing, yet knowledge translation in this area lags behind other fields such as healthcare. Little is known about how to effectively harness and implement research findings in the 'real world', and there continue to be barriers to ...

Tarzia, L., Murray, E., Humphreys, C., Glass, N., Taft, A., Valpied, J., & Hegarty, K. (2016). I-DECIDE: an online intervention drawing on the psychosocial readiness model for women experiencing domestic violence. Women’s Health Issues, 26(2), 208-216.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Domestic violence (DV) perpetrated by men against women is a pervasive global problem with significant physical and emotional consequences. Although some face-to-face interventions in health care settings have shown promise, there are barriers to disclosure to health care practitioners and women may not be ready to access or ...

McKibbin, G., Humphreys, C., & Hamilton, B. (2016). Prevention‐enhancing interactions: a Critical Interpretive Synthesis of the evidence about children who sexually abuse other children. Health & Social Care in the Community, 24(6), 657-671.

Abstract: There is a growing interest in English‐speaking jurisdictions, including Australia, North America, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, about the prevention of sexual abuse perpetrated by children against other children. The aim of this review was to identify opportunities for research, policy and practice which could enhance the ...

Ross, S., Healey, L., Diemer, K. & Humphreys, C. (2016). Providing an Integrated Response to Family Violence: Governance Attributes of Local Networks in Victoria Australian Journal of Public Administration. 75, 127–136.

Abstract: The establishment of integrated responses to family violence represents a significant implementation challenge for locally‐based networks. This research reports on the experiences of integrated family violence committees in Victoria, and the features of their governance associated with perceived effectiveness in committee functioning. There were consistent regional differences in the ...

Macvean, M., Humphreys, C., Healey, L., Albers, B., Mildon, R., Connolly, M., Parolini, A., & Spada-Rinaldis, Sophia. (2015). The PATRICIA Project: PAThways and Research In Collaborative Inter-Agency working: State of knowledge paper. ANROWS Landscapes, 14/2015.

Abstract:A scoping review of evaluations of 24 models of interagency working between child protection, specialist domestic and family violence services, and family law was undertaken.1 Using a pre-determined framework ofinteragency working, it examined aspects of interagency working. The overall key finding was that there is little definitive data on interagency ...

Hooker, L., Small, R., Humphreys, C., Hegarty, K., & Taft, A. (2015). Applying normalization process theory to understand implementation of a family violence screening and care model in maternal and child health nursing practice: a mixed method process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial. Implementation Science, 10(1), 39.

Abstract: BackgroundIn Victoria, Australia, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services deliver primary health care to familieswith children 0–6 years, focusing on health promotion, parenting support and early intervention. Family violence(FV) has been identified as a major public health concern, with increased prevalence in the child-bearing years.Victorian Government policy recommends routine ...

Taft, A. J., Hooker, L., Humphreys, C., Hegarty, K., Walter, R., Adams, C., Agius, P., & Small, R. (2015). Maternal and child health nurse screening and care for mothers experiencing domestic violence (MOVE): a cluster randomised trial. BMC Medicine, 13(1), 150.

Abstract: Background Mothers are at risk of domestic violence (DV) and its harmful consequences postpartum. There is no evidence to date for sustainability of DV screening in primary care settings. We aimed to test whether a theory-informed, maternal and child health (MCH) nurse-designed model increased and sustained DV screening, disclosure, ...

Healey, L., Humphreys, C. and Howe, K. (2013). Inclusive Domestic Violence Standards: Strategies to improve interventions for women with disabilities? Violence and Victims, 28 (1): 50-68.

Abstract: Women with disabilities experience violence at greater rates than other women, yet their access to domestic violence services is more limited. This limitation is mirrored in domestic violence sector standards, which often fail to include the specific issues for women with disabilities. This article has a dual focus: to ...

Healey, L., Howe, K., Humphreys, C. Jennings, C., & Julian, F. (2008). Building the Evidence: A report on the status of policy and practice in responding to violence against women with disabilities in Victoria. Women’s Health Victoria and Victorian Women with Disabilities Network.

Abstract This report presents research completed for the Victorian Women with Disabilities Network Advocacy Information Service (VWDN AIS). The VWDN AIS is a service developed in partnership between Victorian Women with Disabilities Network (VWDN) and Women’s Health Victoria (WHV). The VWDN is the statewide network of women with disabilities which ...