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Healey, L., Howe, K., Humphreys, C. Jennings, C., & Julian, F. (2008). Building the Evidence: A report on the status of policy and practice in responding to violence against women with disabilities in Victoria. Women’s Health Victoria and Victorian Women with Disabilities Network.


This report presents research completed for the Victorian Women with Disabilities Network Advocacy Information Service (VWDN AIS). The VWDN AIS is a service developed in partnership between Victorian Women with Disabilities Network (VWDN) and Women’s Health Victoria (WHV). The VWDN is the statewide network of women with disabilities which represents key issues of concern to women with disabilities in Victoria. The WHV is the statewide women’s health service, which advocates for women and works with other organisations for better health outcomes for women. VWDN AIS invited the Alfred Felton Research Program at The University of Melbourne and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) as strategic partners in this research.2 The purpose of the research was to analyse the extent to which current Victorian family violence policy and practice recognises and provides for women with disabilities who experience violence. Research was conducted from December 2007 to June 2008.