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Collaboration to Harness Research Involving Safe & Together: Inquiry and Evidence (CHRISTIE)

CHRISTIE is an action research project which will extend the evidence base about effective interagency work for children, young people and families impacted by domestic violence so that they experience service systems that work as collaborative partners to keep children safe and together with non-offending parents. The project draws on practitioner expertise elicited through a series of interagency Communities of Practice (CoPs) and senior management Project Action Group meetings, including local collaboration and information-sharing.

CHRISTIE is the latest collaborative research between the Safe & Together Institute and the University of Melbourne, building on the foundations of previous projects based on the Safe & Together™ Model, including PATRICIA, Invisible Practices, STACY, STACY for Children, ESTIE and ALFies.


  • Dr Margaret Kertesz (University of Melbourne)
  • Professor Cathy Humphreys(University of Melbourne)
  • Cherie Toivonen (CLT Byron Consulting)
  • Dr Jamilla Rosdahl (University of Melbourne)
  • Marlene Lauw (ML Consultancy Pty Ltd)


Funded by the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence National Partnership Agreement administered by NSW Ministry of Health and DVNSW


Project Dates: February 2024 – December 2025

Contact: Dr Margaret Kertesz