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Safe and Together Addressing ComplexitY focusing on children – STACY for Children

STACY for Children (2019-20) involved two studies that investigated whether there was emerging evidence that the Safe & Together™ Model leads to better outcomes for children and families living with DFV and parental issues of alcohol and other drug misuse and/or mental health problems. Study 1 focused on interviews with those working and living at the intersections of these issues. Study 2 used child-case-level, de-identified administrative records to investigate whether the availability of the Safe & Together approach to practice was associated with positive outcomes for children and families in an Australian trial site where it had been proactively implemented.

Principal Investigator: Cathy Humphreys
Lucy Healey; Margaret Kertesz; Arno Parolini; Wei Wu Tan; Jasmin Isobe; Colleen Jeffreys; Anna Bornemisza; Larissa Fogden (UoM)
Susan Heward-Belle; Lesley Laing; Cherie Toivonen (University of Sydney);
Menka Tsantefski; Patrick O’Leary; Amy Young (Griffith)

Funder: ANROWS

Queensland Department of Child Safety,
Youth and Women,
Odyssey House,
Anglicare Victoria,
Jannawi Family Centre

Project Dates: 2019-2020

Contact: Cathy Humphreys
